Virtual Events | Getting Started
Thinking of hosting a virtual event? Here are a few thoughts to help guide you in that process.
Shoot For The Moon | Six Pegs We Hang Our Hats On
Here are six principles that we hang our hats on.
Tools We Use | The Right Stuff
Here’s a list of what’s in our kit. Let us know what you think, and we’ll describe each in more detail going forward.
Viewfinder | The Mystery of Soft Light
You may have heard filmmakers talking about hard light or soft light. What do those terms mean, exactly? Well... here’s a simple way to think about it.
We Love Movies | Watching Old Films: Casablanca
Let’s begin with a couple of questions. Do you think you’re smarter than those who went before? Are we better filmmakers because we have more advanced technology?
Shoot For The Moon | Trust
If you’ve chosen Verité or are thinking about us, here is something that should set your mind at ease.